Seasonality Exists

by: Stephanie Gonzalez photo by: Stephanie Ringleb Photography Seasonality exists. Life is filled with many different seasons. Earth’s tilted axis causes the seasons to happen. Mother Earth fosters four seasons which bring a variety of glorious-to-tumultuous air, temperature, and weather patterns. Human beings also experience seasonality. There are changes and fluctuations in life – at home and in our businesses – some random and some with patterns. There are times when we fly high and feel like everything has synchronicity and is in-flow. There are other times when we face changes and challenges that may appear to be insurmountable. Remember: everything is temporary. Life is filled with 50% “good" and 50% “bad” (fact). The good is temporary. The bad is temporary. The good times bring ease, joy, abundance, and gifts we have longed for and prayed for. The bad times may bring disease, sorrow, scarcity, and gifts we had hoped to never deal with. Every season has a beginning and an end. If you are in a season of “good” with joy, abundance, and movement towards everything flowing effortlessly... • Stop what you are doing: take a second out of your day to pause. • Take a minute to recognize it: acknowledge and receive it. • Get on your bullhorn. Be gracious and show out loud how grateful you are: • Verbally say aloud “thank you” • Share the good news with someone you trust • Write it in your journal • Send a personal note of appreciation • Don’t be shy about asking for opportunities to experience this more frequently If you are in a season of “bad” with dis-ease, scarcity, and feel as if you are stumbling through life... • Stop what you are doing: take a second out of your day to pause. • Take a minute to recognize it: acknowledge its existence. • Take a deep breath: shift and alter your current energy and state-of-being (take lots of deep breaths, if necessary). • Remove yourself from the situation: take a walk, a run, a bath, a shower, and go “outside” to disconnect yourself from the current pattern. • Gain some perspective: unpack the situation(s) to understand what happened and why it happened. • Accept responsibility: understand how you took part in the outcome. • Ask for something different: speak, draw, write what you do want to be, do & have. • Do different: identify one action step that you can take (and, actually do it). You are a vibrant living and breathing creature of this world. Like Mother Earth, you also live on a tilted axis. Imagine that, every day you are living on tilt. That is bound to come with ups and downs. All of it is a gift (including you). Every day you face hurricanes and rainbows. And, every night you are better because of it.

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