The Larger Pot

by: Stephanie Gonzalez photo by: Jillian Lenser A plant is constrained or free to grow in direct relationship to the space in which it is planted. If you want to contain and keep your plant the same size, keep it in the same environment – the same planter, the same home it currently lives in. Do not replant it into a larger pot, planter, or garden. If you want your plant to grow fuller, bigger, wider, and taller then you must move it into an environment where the roots can stretch, expand, and grow – thus enabling the trunk, branches, leaves, and flowers to grow in equal proportion to its home, and to its greatest potential. This isn’t a lesson in gardening plants. This is a lesson in gardening self. If you have a growth mindset, you must continue to put yourself in a larger pot and plant yourself in a wider piece of earth and a more expansive environment for you to be able to push the bounds of possibility. Fight complacency. Fall in love with growing pains. Find solutions to obstacles. Thrive.

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